Sunday, 7 April 2013

Evaluating: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My film opening sequence includes only two key characters: Bonnie and Nate. I took some time to consider characters from existing movies with some similarity to them. 


The first character that came to mind as the most similar to Bonnie was Valerie from the movie Red Riding Hood. Both females are pretty, with long, blonde hair falling in natural ringlets and flawless fair skin. Furthermore, they are presented in dresses throughout their screen time, reflecting their feminine representations. The pair play stereotypically female roles and could perhaps fall into the category of damsels in distress'. Valerie fears being snatched away by a werewolf who claims he wishes to 'run away' with her. Similarly, Bonnie is under the spell of an evil necklace, secretly plotting to draw all life from her. Both appear to be quite passive characters, in need of protection from their love interests. Valerie is subservient to the rebellious wood cutter who steals her heart. He pushes her onto the leaves with much ease and constantly begs her to run away with him. On a number of occasions, he is required to save her from peril. Bonnie is also subservient to Nate. He is constantly in control, deciding where they must go for their first date. Physically, he often pulls Bonnie by the hand and, significantly, he is the one to place to talisman around Bonnie's neck. 

However, there are some differences between the two characters. For example, the contrast in costume. Red Riding Hood centres on a medieval village whereas Talisman is set in modern day. Therefore, both females are seen wearing clothing in keeping with the time period in which their character is living, in order to create verisimilitude. Valerie is perhaps a more active character than Bonnie. Ultimately it is Valerie who destroys the wolf. Bonnie, on the other hand, falls victim to her attacker, dying helplessly in the bathtub. 

Bonnie's role in the film is perhaps more similar to that of Marion Crane in psycho. As well as physical similarities (both are attractive blondes) the females have very similar roles. Both leading ladies are killed off very early in very similar ways- one is murdered in the shower and the other in the bathtub. 


Strangely, I also felt that the leading male from Red Riding Hood had many similarities to Nate. Both are attractive and flirtatious with dark hair, constantly wearing the colour black to match their mysterious personas. The audience are never quite sure whether to trust either character completely (at one point in Red Riding Hood, the audience are certain that Peter is the werewolf. Similarly, in Talisman, we perhaps suspect Nate has something to do with Bonnie finding the evil locket). The males are quite reckless and rebellious. Nate enjoys exploring abandoned buildings, for instance, and Peter plans to run away with Valerie in order to escape her impending marriage. Nate is clearly in love with Bonnie, taking her to a place that he holds as very special to him. Peter, the main character from Red Riding Hood, is willing to risk his life to save Valerie. Both males play quite active and heroic roles. Nate is sure to look after Bonnie, taking her hand and lovingly placing the necklace around her neck. Peter rescues Valerie from doom on a number of occasions. However, ultimately, Nate and Peter both fail to fulfil their tasks of saving the female. Valerie rids the town of the wolf herself, in order to save Peter, and therefore reverses stereotypical roles. Nate can do nothing to save Bonnie, who drowns in her own home after their date.

The main difference between Nate and Peter is costume. Nate is dressed in typical modern casual clothing whereas Peter's costumes are more fitting for the medieval setting of Red Riding Hood. Furthermore, Peter's imagine is a lot more pristine than Nate's. Nate presents himself as a modern day teenager and takes much less pride in his appearance.

Representation of Social Groups In Talisman


In Talisman we are presented with quite a stereotypical representation of males. Nate, the only male character within the film opening, is always in control. Throughout the piece Nate remains the most powerful participant. He arrives at the door, in a gentlemanly fashion, to fetch Bonnie for their first date. 

Nate is the active character with the power to decide where they are going, in contrast, Bonnie remains passive and has no choice in the matter. Physically, Nate is dressed casually relating to the stereotype that males are lazy, with little time for appearance. 

Furthermore, his lack of preparation for the date reflects the stereotype that males are less emotional, Nate was clearly not as nervous beforehand as Bonnie was.  Nate is flirtatious in his speech and admires Bonnie's appearance, "I'm not complaining". This relates to the idea that females are only objects for male admiration; their only role is to look pretty.
The fact that Nate is more interested in old abandonedhouses than fancy restaurants reflects the idea that males are more active and interested in adventure and the outdoors.

 Furthermore, after taking Bonnie's hand and leading her forwards, again suggesting that the male is in control, Nate is the one to attempt to open the door of the old house while Bonnie stands watching, conforming to the stereotype of masculine strength.

The first thing that comes to mind for Nate when noticing the locket is how much money it way be worth. This relates to the theory of separate spheres. Nate is more practical as a member of the public sphere, thinking logically about survival. Similarly, it also suggests that Nate disregards sentimental value, again implying that males are less emotional than females. However, Nate's hug at the end of the second scene implies a softer side to his character and goes against stereotypes of masculinity.


Bonnie, the sole female character in Talisman, is an example of a female stereotype. The audience are introduced to her as she is getting ready for the first date. Bonnie spends a long time on her appearance, choosing her outfit, fixing her hair, applying make up and putting on jewellery, conforming to the stereotype of women being most interested in looks. 

Furthermore, she applies red lipstick. Red connotes seduction, desire and passion relating to the idea that all females are sex objects for male enjoyment. 

 Bonnie cuts her finger on her earring, shaking with nerves. As mentioned early, this relates to the theory that women are much more emotional than men. 

Bonnie is represented as impractical as she stands in the doorway over dressed. For Bonnie, looks override logic. Furthermore, she conforms to the stereotype of the 'dumb blonde' first of all with her clumsiness, cutting her finger on the earring, and, secondly, her lack of knowledge about the nature of the date. 

Bonnie is passive throughout the opening. Things constantly happen to her. Nate controls the destination of the date and takes Bonnie up to the abandoned house, holding her hand and leading her like a child. Bonnie is also expected to listen to Nate's speech presenting him as the more logical and intelligent character as a male. 

 Bonnie is also passive and subservient to the demonic necklace. It summons her over and compels her wear it. She can make no objections and has to obey. Bonnie is not even the one to place to locket around her neck, Nate does it for her. Bonnie is represented as an object with no mind of her own, incapable of making her own decisions. 
However, under the influence of the talisman, we do see a different side to Bonnie. When Nate suggests that she sell the antique Bonnie become quite aggressive, not a stereotypically feminine emotion. 

Finally, in the rather transgressive bath scene, Bonnie is once again passive. She attempts to fight is not strong enough to overcome the force of the necklace. It is significant that the female character is the one that the necklace choices to devour. Bonnie is the weakest and most helpless. 

It is also perhaps significant that a piece of jewellery, in other words, her concern with appearance, leads to her injury and then ultimate downfall. This suggests that this vanity is something negative.


 My piece also conforms to stereotypes associated with young people, particularly because this is my target audience. For example, the film begins with Bonnie getting ready; she spends a long time correcting her appearance, conforming to the stereotype of vanity in young people (especially young girls).

Furthermore, the film centres around the theme of first dates, something extremely relevant to the target audience. Teenagers are often stereotyped as sex mad with their interests in relationships at the centre of their lives. The date is clearly very important to Bonnie, causing her an immense amount of stress and worry.

Nate's casual appearance also relates to a stereotype of young people. Young males in particular are viewed as lazy, feeding off of their parents, playing video games and not caring about their appearance.

Teenagers are often viewed as reckless and rebelious. This idea is presented through the visit to the old abandonded house. Ignoring the bright red warning sign on the fence, the couple attempt to enter the building, with no regard or respect for authority. 

Other elements of social representation, such as race or class, are not given much emphsis throughout my film.

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